Why Edward Norton Was the Most Underrated Actor at the End of the 20th Century

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When I say the name Edward Norton, most people will recognize the name. Some may know exactly who I’m talking about, others may be confused as to why they know the name, and others simply may have no idea who that is. Edward Norton is an actor who often flies under the radar, and this was never more apparent than at the end of the 20th Century. He has of course, been in most of his films in the 21st Century, but his best work came in the late 90s. His work as the lead actor in American History X and Fight Club, is some of the most underrated work in the world of film, in my opinion. There is most likely a few reasons for this. First of all, these films weren’t necessarily mainstream flicks. Fight Club is considered one of the best cult classics of all time, and American History X can fall into this category as well. They also both had touchy topics, Fight Club centered around an underground fight club that eventually developed into a terrorist-type organization. Whereas with American History X, the storyline was about neo-Nazi brothers, and one of the brothers (Edward Norton) having a change in his beliefs. The point is that while these films may have received praise after the fact, they weren’t big box office flicks. The films and Edward Norton were also overshadowed by the incredible competition at the time. In 1998, when American History X came out, classic films like Titanic and Good Will Hunting dominated the headlines. When Fight Club came out in 1999, Shakespeare in Love and Saving Private Ryan also came out. As a big fan of Edward Norton and his work, I felt it was imperative to do a piece highlighting him. What’s interesting, is how much of his best work came just before the turn of the Century. I want to highlight those two films in particular, but will also be sure to briefly mention other quality performances by Norton in the late 90s.

Fight Club

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MASTERFUL. This film and Edward Norton in it, are simply masterful. Personally, I think it’s an absolute disgrace that he didn’t win an Oscar for Best Actor and that the film didn’t win Best Picture. But neither was even nominated! I won’t even say what I feel about that. But that’s how good he and this film are. Controversy and criticism surrounds this film and Edward Norton’s character, but I implore all of you to see and decide for yourself. In Fight Club, Norton plays a character who also narrates the entire film, but serves as central protagonist. The character, who is unnamed, suffers from insomnia and depression, and attends support groups of which he doesn’t even suffer from the various diseases and ailments. He then find Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), and Fight Club is formed. Then the club takes on a wild, rapid progression that one cannot anticipate. Throughout the film, you get this vibe that something is off with Norton and this Tyler Durden, but I’m absolutely not spoiling that. The one thing you know for sure, is Norton’s character is truly not well mentally. He’s confused throughout the film and since he’s the narrator, so are you as the viewer. It all comes together in the end, and when it does, it makes you appreciate how wonderful of a performance Edward Norton put on. Fight Club is another one of those films where you are literally shocked at the end, and don’t know what to think. But I guarantee you one thing, you’ll always know and remember who Edward Norton is after you watch it.

American History X

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American History X is a film with so much depth. It goes into controversial areas regarding the social climate in America, it has action, drama, and more. Edward Norton leads the way in this film, and it’s one that’ll leave you with little to say after. It’s a powerful film that makes you ponder race relations and crime in our country, and it does so in a very raw way. Paying attention is key, as it’s a nonlinear film. This setup and Norton’s performance, have you feeling different emotions towards him throughout. The basic plot line, is centered around Norton and his brother who come from a family in which their dad was a cop with racial inclinations and ended up being murdered by African-Americans in a drug raid. The film follows Norton and his brother from these early moments, to their progression in the neo-Nazi movement, then to his reformation in prison, and finally to his attempt to change his brother and get away from this destructive group. Norton was asked to wear several different hats in this film, and he did so remarkably. Few times in a film, will your feelings toward a character vary as often as they do with Edward Norton in American History X. In this film, he proved that he is an actor with incredible range and an innate ability to be raw. The touchy subject of this film and his character, have downplayed the greatness present. For anyone who even has a slight appreciation for film, watch this film and Fight Club. After doing so, I’d be shocked if you didn’t think Edward norton is one of the best actors out there. But, like I said before, these weren’t the only films in the late 90s in which Norton put on strong performances.

Rounders & Primal Fear

Rounders and Primal Fear came out in 1998 and 1996 respectively, and further display the range that Norton has. Rounders is a film that centers around illegal, high-stakes poker, in which Norton’s character is the bad influence that gets his friend who is trying to get away from gambling, right back into the action and danger. Again we see Norton as a sort of bad guy in a film, but here he is less violent and more mentally stable. Norton displays his foundation as an actor, of being a witty, convincing, and “bad guy” character, but does so in a way unique to himself. Primal Fear was different from these other films, it that it was a box office success. This was essentially a debut for Norton, and he made it a big one. This film – like many Norton is in –  is absolutely wild. Norton plays the character of a young altar boy accused of murdering a beloved Archbishop. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg, we then learn the Archbishop really wasn’t such a great person and was very destructive to Norton’s character. Then we see the brilliance of Norton, as he plays a character that suffers from a multiple personality disorder, in which he’s not really aware of what he does when he’s one person versus the other. Norton is young in this film, but his performance matches that of a well-established, well-versed actor. Yet again another film that’ll leave you shocked, Primal Fear is a highly entertaining film.

Edward Norton deserves to be a household name like so many other actors. His work is masterful, yet underappreciated. While this piece focuses on his work at the turn of the Century, don’t make the assumption he has done much sense. The point is that he put some brilliant performances on at the time, and they didn’t get the appreciation they deserved. If you have a likeness or interest in film and acting, then you must check out these films and see Norton’s greatness on display.

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